THE DAY BEFORE follows the personal information protection law to protect the privacy and interests of its users. When you use THE DAY BEFORE’s services you trust us with your information. This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what data we collect, why we collect it, and what we do with it. Please take the time to read it carefully.
※This Privacy Policy equally to all sites (including mobile web/apps) that process personal information of ThedayBefore Co., Ltd.
Membership registration confirmation and the authenticity of the application for membership services.
Service and manage the membership.
Prevent unauthorized use.
Announcements, notification and conflict changes.
Develop & Provide a customized service.
Provide events that; advertise information, an opportunity to participate and accurately advertise services in accordance with target demographic characteristics.
Check the login frequency and statistics of THE COUPLE participants.
-Information is automatically generated during the service process may be collected.
Examples of personal information we collect: